FACT CHECK: Ukraine Has Not Banned Truth Social

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

A post shared on Facebook claims Ukrainian President Volodoymr Zelenskyy banned Truth Social in Ukraine.

Verdict: False

There is no evidence that Zelenskyy banned Truth Social in Ukraine.

Fact Check:

“According to widespread reports, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has*BLOCKED* Truth Social in Ukraine,” reads the Facebook post. (RELATED: Claim That Trump Plans To Invalidate Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Program Is Satire)

There is no evidence for this claim. No credible news outlets have reported on it. Truth Social is not available in Ukraine, a Trump Media and Technology spokesperson told AFP Fact Check.

“Reports that Truth Social was blocked in Ukraine are false — Truth Social has never been available in Ukraine,” the spokesperson told the outlet.

The Ukrainian government also denied the claim. Heorhii Tykhyi, the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, denied the claim in an X post.

“We have seen reports suggesting that access to the Truth Social network has been blocked in Ukraine. These reports are false. Ukraine did not and could not block access because, unfortunately, the social network Truth Social has never made itself available to users in Ukraine. According to publicly available information, the Truth Social is only available in a number of countries (the United States, Canada, Brazil, Australia, and a few others), and Ukraine is not on that list. We would appreciate it if the Truth Social would add Ukraine to their authorized region of operations,” he tweeted.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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