About Us

Check Your Fact is a fact-checking news site.

Our job is to independently fact check statements by influencers, as well as reporting by other news outlets. We also vet the many widely-shared claims that rocket across the internet every day.

We additionally welcome our readers to send us claims to fact check. If you believe a story or statement deserves a fact check, or an error has been made with a published fact check, please contact our editor at contact@checkyourfact.com..

Our mission is a non-partisan one. We're loyal to neither people nor parties -- only the truth. And while the fact-checking industry continues to grow, there are still countless assertions that go unchecked. We exist to fill in the gaps.

We commit to being fully transparent with how we conduct our fact checks. Whenever possible, any reader should be able to retrace the steps we took in establishing the truth.

Check Your Fact is a for-profit subsidiary wholly owned by The Daily Caller, Inc. The majority owner of The Daily Caller, Inc. is co-founder and publisher Neil Patel.

The Daily Caller’s fact-checking team is funded by The Daily Caller’s general news budget, as well as revenue generated through advertising. Check Your Fact is also partially funded by Meta, which contracts the outlet to do third-party fact-checking on Facebook and Instagram. Expenditures for Check Your Fact include employee salaries and website maintenance.

Decisions about what to investigate, as well as our conclusions, are guided only by our journalists. Check Your Fact exercises editorial independence over the creation of fact check content.

Check Your Fact is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Networkā€™s Code of Principles. If a reader believes Check Your Fact is violating the Code of Principles, they can inform the International Fact-Checking Network here.




