FACT CHECK: Germany Did Not Threaten To Cut Ties With The US

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

A post shared on Facebook claims Germany threatened to cut ties with the United States.

Verdict: Misleading

Baerbock did not threaten to cut relations with the United States.

Fact Check:

Social media users are claiming that German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock threatened to cut diplomatic ties with the United States. One user wrote, “AFP: 🇩🇪🇺🇲 German Foreign Minister Baerbock threatens to cut diplomatic ties with US over Ukraine: ‘We will increase pressure on the US to make it clear that they have a lot to lose if they stop supporting Europe’s liberal democracies.'”

This claim is misleading. Check Your Fact checked AFP’s reporting and found that she said a quote similar to the one in the Facebook post. (RELATED: Did Trump Fail To Greet Macron At The White House?)

We are increasing the pressure on the Americans so that they have as much to lose as possible if they no longer stand by the side of the liberal democracies of Europe,” she is quoted as saying.

However, nowhere did she threaten to cut off diplomatic relations with the U.S. She further said that a “false peace — that is, a peace that is not peace but blackmail or a capitulation — is not peace, but the opposite: further preparation for even more war and violence. That is why I will support Ukraine as long as it needs it, because it is our peace.”

Germany has not threatened to cut off relations with the U.S, according to Misbar.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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