FACT CHECK: Kenya Has Not Withdrawn From The WHO

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

A post shared on Facebook claims Kenya withdrew from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Verdict: False

There is no evidence for this claim. Kenya has called for more funding for the WHO.

Fact Check:

The United States withdrew from the WHO on Jan. 20, with the WHO director asking the country to reconsider its decision, according to Health Policy Watch. (RELATED: Video Claims To Show Palestinian Woman Resisting Israeli Attempt To Bulldoze Her Home)

Social media users are claiming that Kenya withdrew from the WHO. One video has a text overlay that reads, “African people should neva trust the colonizer’s medicine! They weaponize medicine against us.”

There is no evidence for this claim, however. Media outlets have not covered it. A wider internet search also did not yield any results for this claim.

Furthermore, Sultani Matendechero, the Kenyan Ministry of Health’s Deputy Director General, told the Standard that the “world cannot function with WHO.”

“The world cannot function without WHO. Even if the U.S. pulls out, it will still rely on the rest of the world to sustain WHO so that it can continue coordinating global health efforts,” Matendechero said.

Logically Facts also debunked the claim.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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