FACT CHECK: Image Doesn’t Show German Foreign Minister Refusing To Take Photo With Olaf Scholz

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

An image shared on Facebook claims to show the German Foreign Minister leaving a meeting and refusing to take a photo with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Verdict: False

The minister was speaking to someone behind her, not walking out of a meeting or refusing to take a photo with Scholz.

Fact Check:

Social media users are claiming that the German foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, refused to take a photo with Scholz and walked out of a government meeting.

“German Foreign Minister Baerbock walked out of a government meeting, refusing to take a photo with Chancellor Scholz after his decision to block a new aid package for Ukraine,” one user wrote.

The image, though, does not show Baerbock walking out of a meeting or refusing to take a photo with Scholz. It shows Baerbock talking with someone else as Scholz reaches out to her. (RELATED: Did Pope Francis Say That Jesus Was Born During A Census Taken By King David?)

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (R) reaches out for German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock who talks to German Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil (L) to start the weekly cabinet meeting at the Chancellery in Berlin on January 15, 2025,” reads an image description on Getty Images.

Baerbock also said that she did not know what was going on behind her, according to Logically Facts.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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