FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Make A Truth Social Post Claiming Heā€™s ā€˜The Guy In Chargeā€™

Christine Sellers | Fact Check Reporter

An image shared on Threads purports to show a TRUTH Social post from President-elect Donald Trump claiming “I’m the guy in charge.”


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Verdict: False

The purported remark does not appear on Trump’s TRUTH Social account, his official website, or his verified social media accounts. There is no other evidence suggesting Trump made the remark.

Fact Check:

Trump made a TRUTH Social post on Monday endorsing House Speaker Mike Johnson ahead of Friday’s vote to elect a new Speaker, according to The Hill. Trump referred to Johnson as a “good, hard working, religious man” who will “do the right thing” in the same post, the outlet reported.

The Threads image, which has received over 100 likes as of writing, purports to show a TRUTH Social post from Trump claiming “I’m the guy in charge.”

“Let me clear something up right now: I am the President-elect of the United States. Not Elon Musk. Not anyone else. I know the media (the FAKE NEWS) and even some of you out there keep saying things like ‘Elon’s really running the show,’ but let me tell you—this is MY vision, MY leadership, and MY America we’re talking about. Now, I’ll admit it, Elon was helpful during the campaign. He donated a lot of money— HUGE sums. And I appreciated it, I really did. But lately, it feels like he’s forgotten one thing: I’M the guy in charge. Not him,” the purported TRUTH Social post reads in part.

The claim is false. Check Your Fact did not find the purported remark referenced on Trump’s TRUTH Social account. Likewise, the purported remark neither appears on his official website nor his verified social media accounts. Musk also has not publicly commented on the claim. (RELATED: Did Elon Musk’s Mom Say The Poor Should Have More Kids So They Can Work In Elon’s Factories?)

In addition, Check Your Fact did not find any credible news reports to support the claim. Actually, the opposite is true. On Dec. 26, USA Today debunked the claim, reporting the image was “fabricated.” Besides USA Today, Snopes, Logically Facts, and Lead Stories all debunked the claim.

Check Your Fact has contacted a Trump spokesperson for comment.

Christine Sellers

Fact Check Reporter
