FACT CHECK: Video Claims To Show Muslims And Leftists Clashing With Police In Sweden In 2024

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

A video shared on X claims to show Muslims and leftists clashing with police in Malmo, Sweden over an Israeli singer participating in Eurovision 2024.

Verdict: Misleading

The clashes were in 2009 and not related to the 2024 Eurovision singing contest.

Fact Check:

Israeli singer Eden Golan advanced to the Eurovision Grand Final, which is May 11, according to the Times of Israel. There have been protests against Golan’s participation in the contest due to the war in Gaza, the outlet reported.

Social media users are sharing a video of clashes between police and others, claiming it shows Muslims fighting police over Golan’s participation in Eurovision. (RELATED: No, Post Does Not Show Authentic Video Of Kendell Jenner With ‘Trump Won’ Flag At Met Gala)

“Muslims and leftists are battling the police in Malmö, throwing rocks and causing mayhem. Why? Because ONE Israeli singer is participating in Eurovision. Sweden is no longer Sweden,” one social media user wrote.

This claim is false. Through a reverse image search, Check Your Fact found that the video is from 2009, though it was taken in Malmo, Sweden. The video’s title reads, “Riots and stone throwing in Malmö.”

SYDSVENSKAN-TV: During the Davis Cup tennis in Malmö, a demonstration degenerated. Hooligans destroyed police cars. Film Ola Nilsson, Sydsvenskan TV,” reads the video description.

The Associated Press reported in 2009 that dozens of anti-Israeli activists attempted to storm a closed arena where the Swedish and Israeli tennis teams were playing a Davis Cup match. Anti-Israeli activists were unable to break through the police lines and police arrested at least 8 activists and detained nearly 100 before releasing them after an identity check, according to Reuters.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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